How To Get Longer & Fuller Lashes with RevitaLash


Hi Everyone👋🏼 - it’s Therapist Meg here.

Today, I’m sharing my story about how Revitalash has completely transformed my eyelashes and eyebrows! - It’s now a staple product for me!

RevitaLash Cosmetics

RevitaLash is a revolutionary eyelash conditioning serum that has become very popular in the beauty industry. It is a specifically formulated product designed to enhance the appearance and condition of natural lashes. This remarkable serum is enriched with a blend of nourishing ingredients that work together to strengthen, protect, and nourish lashes. With regular use, RevitaLash promotes the growth of longer, thicker, and more voluminous lashes, creating a stunning and eye-catching effect. It is a sought-after solution for those desiring fuller lashes without the need for extensions or falsies. The easy-to-use applicator makes the application process a breeze, and the results are truly remarkable. RevitaLash is undoubtedly a game-changer in the world of eyelash and eyebrow care, providing you with the opportunity to achieve beautiful, fluttery lashes with a single swipe.

The Story Behind RevitaLash

The story behind these amazing products is amazing. A husband worked hard to create a formula that would help his brave and courageous wife who was battling cancer, feel beautiful. CLICK HERE to read their story.

My Experience:

Before I began working at Pure Emporium, I was always a lash extensions girl. I absolutely loved the definition they added to my eyes and I felt “naked” without them. I’d spend money and time-out every few weeks on infills… but then, I discovered Revitalash.

Since using Revitalash, I have never had extension or even worn a set of strip lashes!

I started using the serum around 18 months ago and it has made such a difference.

For the first few days/weeks, I studied the length of my lashes in the mirror everyday, and never really noticed a big change… (but, that’s just me being impatient, haha!)…

6 weeks later and bam!! My lashes looked fuller and much longer. From then on, the more I kept using this amazing product, they longer and healthier they became!

(The lovely compliments I received made the journey worth it!)

How I Use It:

I like to use my RevitaLash in the evening. Following on from my skincare routine, I take out the applicator and sweep it along the base of my lashes, one sweep is plenty - you really don’t need much! This is the secret to beautiful, naturally long lashes.

RevitaLash can be used in the morning and evening. I’d recommend doing this to ensure you get the best results! In the mornings, i’d recommend waiting 5 minutes after applying your lash serum before doing your makeup.

RevitaLash comes in 2 sizes. A 2ml tube and a 3.5ml tube. 2.5ml will give you 3 months worth of product. The larger tube should last you 6 months. (I’ve actually had mine for 8 months now and I’ve still got some left!)

There’s also a RevitaBROW serum to help create fuller eyebrows too!

To maximise my results, every 12 weeks I will also have an LVL Lash Lift. This treatment adds a lift and curl to your natural lashes, which makes them look EVEN LONGER. To book your treatment, click here.

Are you ready to achieve the brows and lashes that you’ve been dreaming of?

Send us an email and reserve your products today! -

Speak Soon,

Therapist Meg S x

Amy CardPure Emporium