Vascular Lesions

At Pure Emporium, we have many clients who come to us with Vascular Lesions as a skin concern.

We can effectively treat; broken thread veins, spider veins and blood spots.

Vascular lesions can arise due to various factors. One primary cause is genetics, as individuals may inherit certain genes that can cause them to develop these lesions. Additionally, trauma or injury to blood vessels can lead to the formation of vascular lesions. This could include accidents, surgeries, or even certain medical procedures. Hormonal fluctuations, such as during pregnancy or puberty, have also been linked to the development of vascular lesions.

At Pure Emporium we offer a treatment that can help to remove or dramatically reduce the appearance of your vascular lesions.

Recommended Treatments:

  • IPL “Spot Treating The Area”

  • illumiFacial

Are you ready to treat your vascular lesions? CLICK HERE and book your appointments with us today!