

You can browse our Environ products in the dropdown menu under PRODUCT LIST in the main navigation bar.

To ensure the safe use of Environ Vitamin A products, please know that if you haven’t purchased Environ products with us before, you will need to have a skin consultation to enable you to use the correct products to treat your skin concerns. We can offer you the best level of advice to achieve the results you want, as well as ensuring you are using Vitamin A safely. 

During the time the salon is closed, we can carry out consultations online through Zoom, Facetime or Facebook Messenger Video Chat. 

Alternatively, you can carry out our online Skin Consultation Questionnaire and we will be back in touch with you with a bespoke skincare prescription!

To do this click the button below.

Our skincare professionals, from Pure Emporium, can openly discuss your skin concerns and can create the best skincare plan tailored to you. 

Even if you HAVE purchased products with us before, we can still carry out another skin consultation. It’s very important to stay up to date with advice on how to use the products to get the best results, plus, we love a reason to catch up and find out how you are getting on as well as giving you extra pointers of how to achieve your skin goals! 

Want any products? Great! Simply contact us and we can chat with you to ensure you are going to be using the correct products, and then get them ordered. They’ll be delivered via courier to your home. This is a specialist service during the coronavirus pandemic. **please note, during the lockdown period, there is a small postage fee for products.

If there is anything we can help with or if you have a questions please reach out to the team via email: info@pureemporium.co.uk or on our contact page. It would be great to hear from you!