Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin is a common concern for many individuals. It can be attributed to various underlying factors. While each person's skin reacts differently, there are several key causes that contribute to skin sensitivity.

Some individuals are more genetically inclined to have sensitive skin. This means their skin's natural protective barrier may be weaker, making it more prone to react to external factors such as weather changes, allergens, or certain ingredients found in skincare products.

Environmental elements play a significant role in triggering skin sensitivity. Extremes of temperature, humidity, and wind can disrupt the skin's lipid barrier, leading to irritation and dryness. Exposure to pollution, UV rays, and harsh chemicals can also exacerbate the sensitivity of the skin.

While skincare products are essential for maintaining healthy skin, they can ironically cause sensitivity if not chosen carefully. Some ingredients like fragrances, preservatives, sulfates, and certain types of alcohols can trigger allergic reactions or irritate sensitive skin. Incorrect or excessive use of exfoliants, retinoids, or acids can also compromise the skin's barrier function, rendering it more sensitive.

At Pure Emporium, we offer a range of treatments and products that can help keep sensitive calm and less aggravated.

Recommended Products:

  • Colostrum Gel

  • AVST Gel

  • Hypo21 Spray

  • Hydrating Serum

  • Skin Omegas (supplement)

  • Skin Vit C (supplement)

  • Skin Vitality (supplement)

Recommended Treatments:

  • 55 Minute Environ Facial

  • Dermalux Phototherapy

Are you ready to treat your sensitive skin? CLICK HERE and book your appointments with us today!