Anti-Ageing Transformation Using Light Therapy!

Hi everyone, it’s Therapist Meg here.

I have worked at the clinic for 16 months now. Working at Pure Emporium was actually my first “in-salon” job, before then, I spent my time doing treatments on my friends and family.

I love making people feel good and feel pampered. Since working at Pure Emporium, I have trained in so many new treatments and I can now offer so much more! From Laser, Waxing, Facials, Massage and Nails, I love it all.

Today, I’m going to be sharing a recent experience with one of my client’s. After a number of visits to our clinic, we have managed to completely transform her skin.


Keep on reading to find out how…

Her Personalised Skin Plan:

Our lovely client, originally visited our clinic for a Skin Analysis Consultation. During this in-depth consultation, I was able to find out all about my client’s skin, as well as her current skincare routine and her general day-to-day lifestyle. All of these things contribute to the appearance and health of her skin.

She explained to me that her main concern was anti-ageing. She suffers with deep-set lines and wrinkles on her face and neck, especially around the eye area. She wanted to achieve a more youthful and even-toned appearance. Following on from the consultation, we highlighted the main problem areas, as well putting together a personalised skin plan.

At Pure Emporium, we have a range of skin treatments available, all creating amazing changes in the skin.

After discussing with my client about her busy lifestyle and what we could fit into it, we chose to start with a course of 6 Dermalux Phototherapy Skin Treatments.

What Is Dermalux?

Dermalux Phototherapy is a treatment that uses 3 clinically proven light waves (red, blue and near infrared). The light waves help us to transform the skin by improving it’s texture, increasing the elasticity and enhancing the overall look and feel of the skin.

One of the main reasons we chose to treat our client with Dermalux, is because there is 0 downtime following a treatment, there are also no risks. This medical grade treatment is super safe to perform and it will always improve the health of your skin.

During a Dermalux Phototherapy Treatment, for safety, a client must wear protective goggles.

Now, you may be wondering how the light can treat the eye area if goggles are to be worn? - Well, the clever part of this treatment is, although the eyes are covered, the light still performs just as well through your connective skin cells. As it uses light energy, it still “charges-up” those skin cells, creating them to perform better, (in our client’s case, creating more collagen to be produced).

So, in 3 weeks, we performed 6 treatments. 2 sessions per week. After the course, we can see a massive improvement to our client’s eye area. Especially the under-eyes.

Not only has the Dermalux Phototherapy lifted and plumped my client’s skin, it has also smoothed and improved the skin tone. It’s much more radiant and brighter in appearance, especially compared to our starting point where it was looking quite dull and lack-lustre.

My client was so impressed, she has now booked in for another course of 6 treatments.

12 sessions of this treatment, are a great way to create dramatic changes to this skin. After having these treatments close-together (2 per week), you will then be able to have maintenance once every 4-6 weeks.

It’s amazing what a simple treatment like the Dermalux can do for your skin and improve a wide range of skin concerns. If you feel like you have any of the following skin concerns (face or body), then get your treatment booked in now.

  • Hyper/Hypo Pigmentation

  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles

  • Rosacea

  • Coldsores

  • Acne

  • Recent Scars

  • Psoriasis

  • Eczema

  • SAD’s

  • Sensitive Skin

  • Irritated Skin

  • Problematic Skin




We’d love to see you at Pure Emporium.

Speak soon.

Therapist Meg S x

Amy CardPure Emporium