Foods That Will Improve Your Skin Health

At Pure Emporium Skin & Laser Clinic, we are all about promoting Healthy Skin. There are so many ways that we can improve our skin, whether that’s with treatments, skin care, supplements or even our diet and lifestyle. There is usually always something we can do to improve the look and feel of our skin.

Our diet and lifestyle can affect our skin a lot more than we think. Today, we are going to talk through some foods that you could be introducing into your diet to help improve your skin health.

Foods For Healthy Skin


Let’s start with the obvious… MORE FRUIT AND VEGETABLES

This one can be made SUPER easy. Instead of eating processed foods and foods that are full of sugar and salt, try swapping these for your everyday fruit and veg. Making sure you eat a balanced diet is essential when it comes to your skin health. And ensuring that you are getting your 5 a day will make this easy!


Did you know that by introducing a few cups of Green Tea into your daily routine can promote smoother skin? By swapping your daily dose of coffee for green tea, can increase your antioxidant levels. This is great when it comes to reducing your sebum (oil) levels and trying to clear problematic skin. Green tea is also packed with flavonoids. Studies show that flavonoids can even reduce the appearance of fine lines!


After every treatment in the salon, we always bang on about making sure that you are drinking enough water. Why? Because hydration is key when it comes to having healthy, glowing skin! It’s recommended that you drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.


Whilst we are on the topic of staying hydrated, water isn’t the only thing that can boost your moisture levels. Foods such as cucumber, celery and watermelon all have a very high water content. So, by including these in your diet can boost your water levels, MASSIVELY.


How do you like your eggs in the morning? Did you know that by starting your day with some eggs can soothe and nourish your skin? The yolk of an egg is amazing for nourishment for the skin, but also proving Vitamin A to aid with skin repair.



Fish provides so many different benefits for your health and your skin, especially fatty fish. Fish like salmon, mackerel and sardines hold a higher fat content and provide essential proteins and amino acids which help to keep our skin healthy and strong. They also help to retains your skin’s natural oil barrier, which help to reduce dryness and promote an even skin tone.


Nuts are a good source of Vitamin E. Almonds, peanuts and hazelnuts are all a great way of increasing our Vitamin E levels, which can improve how our skin ages. Vitamin E works by preventing collagen destruction, and providing skin support. It is also an amazing antioxidant that helps to reduce cell damage that can be caused by free radicals.


You always hear about eating oranges to increase your Vitamin C levels. But, did you know that kiwis actually hold a higher level of Vitamin C? Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and is great when it comes to protecting our skin. Vitamin C can protect our skin from UV damage, it can help with the production of collagen and it can even increase your skin’s hydration.


Eating your greens is key when it comes to healthy skin. Kale, for example, is a vegetable that is high in Vitamin A. This is an antioxidant and promotes a healthy skin cell turnover. Vitamin A is a key ingredient in our Environ Skin Care Range, so by increasing the Vitamin A levels in your diet, will enhance the benefits from your skin care.


The vibrant colours of berries come from the antioxidants they provide. Including berries in your daily diet will increase your antioxidant levels, which will ultimately shield your skin from any free radicals.


So, by being a bit more aware of your diet can have MASSIVE benefits on your skin health. Making some simple, yet effective changes can be easy and you’ll start to see those improvements in no time! Try something new with your diet, and put your health and your skin’s health first!

Healthy Lifestyle = Happy & Healthy Skin

Remember, if you ever need advice or a bit more guidance when it comes to your skin, we have a whole team of Skin Experts that are here to help you. Book in for a Skin Consultation online now and start your Skin Journey today. Click here and get booked in.

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Amy CardPure Emporium