How Can Laser Help You?


At Pure Emporium Skin & Laser Clinic, our advanced laser machine is at the forefront of offering a comprehensive range of treatments. This cutting-edge technology enables us to provide effective hair removal, skin rejuvenation, pigmentation correction, resurfacing treatments and acne therapy. Whether clients seek long-term hair reduction, the minimization of fine lines and wrinkles, or the elimination of unwanted pigmentation, our laser machine delivers exceptional results. With its ability to customize settings to address varying skin types and conditions, our skilled Therapists harness the power of this machine to meet the unique needs of each client, providing safe, precise, and enduring solutions.

Are you ready to find out how it can help you?

IPL Hair Removal

We use IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) to effectively remove your unwanted hair. With a course of treatments, we can achieve long-term/permanent hair removal.

Melanin in the hair absorbs light from the Laser / IPL and produces heat. This heat damages the hair and the follicle in such a way that it prevents and stops hair growth. This will only work with the hairs in the “growth / active” stage of the hair cycle, and once treated, they will naturally fall out within 1-3 weeks. A course of sessions is required to treat all the hairs, as they will all be in different stages of their cycle.

Unfortunately, we are unable to treat blonde, red or grey hairs with the laser.

For best results, we recommend 6-10 treatments on body areas, and 8-12 treatments on the face.

All or any of the following are great outcomes:

  • Redness in the treated area

  • Swollen hair follicles (bumps on the skin)

Areas may feel warm but will be cooled down during and after the treatment to ensure things are comfortable. We will end the treatment with a light soothing moisturiser with calming and anti-bacterial effects. The area should go back to normal within 24-48 hours.

Fractional Skin Resurfacing

Fractional Laser helps us to treat a range of skin concerns. We can use it as an active anti-ageing treatment and to promote skin rejuvenation. It can also be used to improve the appearance of scarring and stretch marks.

Fractional resurfacing is one of the most advanced resurfacing treatments to receive with much less downtime than more aggressive lasers. Multiple microscopic laser beams are flashed onto the skin’s surface, leaving the epidermis (top layer of the skin) unharmed, but causing damage to 20% of the dermal layer of the skin’s tissue (the lower layers of the skin.) The other 80% non-injured skin cells in the dermis then work repair the cells, triggering the skin’s healing response in the fibroblasts and in turn remodelling of the skin takes place. The skin starts the regeneration process, and large amounts of collagen are stimulated, and skin is regenerated. This will help improve the overall skin tone, texture, and elasticity of the skin. 

Within 2 weeks of your treatment, you will see improvements to how your skin looks, but the best results are seen 3-6 months post-treatment when the skin has fully regenerated and the collagen stores from the treatments will be at their highest.

When targeting ageing and skin rejuvenation, we recommend 3-5 treatments.

When treating scarring and stretch marks, we recommend 4-6 treatments.

For 1-2 days after the treatment the skin will feel tight and have the appearance of a “sunburned” look. The skin will continue to look “pinkish / flushed” for 2 – 10 days and any swelling usually disappears after 1 – 4 days. The little microbeam dots that appear on the skin will change from a white colour to more bronzed within a couple of days, and fully subside over 7-10 days. Within a few days of the treatment your skin will feel dry and rough to the touch, but as the skin heals itself, you will find mild to moderate skin flaking of where the microbeams have hit the skin, which may last up to 2 weeks.

IPL Skin Rejuvenation

Using Intense Pulsed Light, we can target a variety of skin concerns. We can treat pigmentation, vascular lesions, acne/breakouts, fine lines and wrinkles, as well as promoting overall skin rejuvenation.

At Pure Emporium, we can offer on-the-spot treatments to target your individual concerns, as well as the amazing illumiFacial. This all-over treatment will promote skin rejuvenation and includes your “spot-treating” for those more specific areas of concern.


·       Improved Skin Texture

·       Less Visible Pores

·       More Even Skin Tone

·       Flawless Finish

·       Healthy Look and Feel

·       Reduction in Fine Lines and Wrinkles

For best results, we recommend a course of treatments. Your treatments will typically be every 4-6 weeks, when targeting the skin with IPL.

Superficial tingling on the skin is normal. You’ll notice the effects directly after your treatment, as well as experience ongoing improvements to the firmness and plumpness of your skin in the following months post-treatment, as new collagen is stimulated deep within the skin tissue.

For any age spots or sunspots that get treated, they will darken before flaking away – this means the treated worked as it should on those areas!

Laser Tattoo Removal

Using Q-Switched Laser, we can effectively remove your unwanted tattoos. Q-Switched Laser is known as the “gold-standard” of laser when it comes to tattoo removal.

Q-Switch Lasers generate a high-powered and extremely short-pulsed laser light. These are the most effective for tattoo removal treatments. The laser light is absorbed by the tattoo ink particles, which then breaks them down into smaller pieces. Your lymphatic system kicks in and works to absorb and disperse the ink. A gradual fading of the tattoo occurs over a series of treatments.

We can treat Amateur, Professional, Cosmetic and Trauma Tattoos.

For best results, we recommend a course of treatments. It can take between 3-12 sessions to achieve full-removal.

Your treatments are typically every 8-12 weeks.


  • Following your treatment, skin may feel tender.

  • Redness and swelling may occur for up to 48 hours.

  • A graze may form over the area - this must be left to heal naturally.

  • Possible loss of ability to naturally tan in the area being treated. This usually improves with time.

  • We will end the treatment with a light soothing moisturiser & SPF with calming and anti-bacterial effects.

At Pure Emporium, your consultation is the most important step before undergoing any laser treatment. It allows our skilled professionals to assess each client's unique skin type, concerns, and expectations, ensuring a tailored approach for the best results. During the consultation, we thoroughly discuss the treatment process, potential risks, expected outcomes, and aftercare, empowering clients to make informed decisions. With safety, efficacy, and client satisfaction at the forefront, our consultations are vital in delivering exceptional and customised laser services.

Are you ready to start your Laser Journey with us?

Book your Laser Consultation online now - click here.

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Meg, Manager x

Amy CardPure Emporium