For many, New Year’s Eve is one of the biggest nights of the year. It’s a time for rebirth and reflection. It gives us chance to celebrate yet another year. Whether you are ready for a fresh start, or just simply want to look back and cheers to all of your achievements throughout the year, it’s a great time to get together with family and friends and have a party.

Again, New Years Eve may be slightly different to those previous. Whether there are regulations in place, or you just want to do something a bit different to normal, New Years Eve can be celebrated in the comfort of your own home. AND, it can be just as fun.

We’ve put together some ideas to keep a New Years at home, fun, cosy and just as special.

How Can You Make A Home Party Special?!


Whether you’re at home or going out, getting dressed up in one of your best party outfits can make you feel so good! Putting on something fancy, and even doing your hair and makeup, will definitely make the evening more special. However, if you’re not one to dress up for NYE, you can even just put on your best set of comfies. Match these with a pair of cosy slippers (which are usually a must when it comes to Christmas presents - so if they’re new… even better!), and you’re set for the evening!


Board games, card games or any other party games are a must when it comes to having some family fun at home! Choose a selection of your favourite party games for everyone to enjoy, and laugh the night away! A personal fave is Monopoly. (This is definitely a love or hate kind of game, but I just love that it’s one that you can spend your whole night playing, and the end gets so competitive!)


There has to be some kind of entertainment on New Years Eve. We love to show our favourite songs from the year, all whilst dancing around in the kitchen with a glass of wine! Or, for something a little less energetic, why not pick one of your favourite films to watch along with a bunch of great snacks!


It’s not NYE without something fizzy! And, if you’re spending it at home, why not experiment with some fun cocktails! Take it in turns with family members to make different cocktails and vote for who’s is best. One of our favourite cocktails is a Bramble. A classic recipe on the BBC website. And, it’s so easy to make!

Bramble Ingredients:

  • 50ml gin

  • 25ml lemon juice

  • ¾tbsp sugar syrup

  • ice cubes

  • crushed ice

  • ¾tbsp crème de mure

  • 1 lemon slice and a blackberry (if in season) to serve

Click here to read the method that we follow.



Whether you are out at an event partying or just partying at home, pictures are always important. Pictures hold a thousand memories, and even though things may not be completely “normal” right now, it’s important to enjoy everyday as much as we can.

I’m actually making this one of my New Years Resolutions. To take more pictures.

Set yourself goals for the New Year. Let’s all have something to focus on and something to achieve.

2022. We’ve got this.

Amy CardPure Emporium