At Pure Emporium, we can make homecare routines for your skin easy.

How? – Because we use, Environ.

Most of the Environ homecare products can be used in the morning AND in the evening. Meaning that you WON’T have loads of products, taking up too much room and making it confusing! 

Your skin routine at home is meant to be about taking time out for yourself, and spending around 10-15 minutes looking after your skin. The main thing we tell all our client’s is that you have to be consistent! 

If you are wanting to see results – consistency is key!


At Pure Emporium, we are here to make this super easy for you! Our Skin Experts are ready and waiting to help you on your skin journey. With advice on which products are best for you skin and exactly how to use them, we will give you the guidance that you need when aiming for results! 

I’ve put together a guide, that will show you exactly how you can get the best results when using your skincare at home correctly.



Everyday Skincare Routine

So, like we have already said, you will need to be doing your skincare routine every single day. Morning and night.

If you are new to Environ, you will be starting on the lower forms of Vitamin A, which will have been recommended to you by one of our Skin Experts. However, if you are someone that is already using the Environ Vitamin A products, you may be using a higher concentrated level of Vit A.

I’m going to show you a very easy, step-by-step skincare routine, that you can use whether you are a new Environ user, or if you have been using Environ for a while.

This step-by-step will show you the best way to achieve results when using Environ.



AM Product Use

-         First, CLEANSE your skin to ensure dirt and excess oil is removed from the skin’s surface.

-         Then, you will use your recommended Environ TONER.

-         Next, apply your SERUM.

-         Over this, you will apply your recommended Environ MOISTURISER.

-         Always, finish with an SPF over the top of your moisturiser. Sun protections NEEDS to be applied every single day of the year. Rain or shine.



PM Product Use

-         Pre-Cleanse with Environ’s CLEANSING OIL. (If you haven’t got this, we recommend that you do 2 cleanse’s with your Environ CLEANSER.)

-         Then, you will cleanse a second time with your recommended Environ CLEANSER.

-         Apply your recommended Environ MASQUE. This should be included in your evening routine 2-3 times a week. Leave this on the skin for the recommended amount of time and then remove with water.

-         Tone with your Environ TONER.

-         OPTIONAL: if you have been using Environ for a while, and have reached level 2/3 of your moisturiser, you can introduce a Roller. This would be where you would use the Roll-CIT over your skin for 3-5 mins before applying moisturiser.

-         Then, you would apply your Environ SERUM.

-         Finish with your recommended Environ MOISTURISER.


Following these simple steps, will help you on your journey to healthy skin. Please remember that our Skin Experts at Pure Emporium are always here to help you.

Click here to book your Skin Consultation.


It’s important to remember the following key factors when choosing your skincare and other products for at home.


You can discover healthier, radiant and youthful looking skin with these principles.


Feed – Nourish your skin with vitamin rich, nutrition supplements. We recommend Advanced Nutrition Programme.


Fortify – Support your skin health and help with any skin concerns. We recommend Environ.


Finish – Protect and give your complexion a luminous look with pure mineral makeup that is as good for the skin as it is beautiful to wear. We recommend Jane Iredale.

We are here to help you!

Speak soon,

Meg x

Amy CardPure Emporium