It’s true what they say. You really do need your Beauty Sleep.

Getting enough sleep every night is so important when it comes to looking after Yourself. Sleep allows your body and mind to recharge, which means that you are refreshed and ready when you wake up. It contributes to so much. Sleep can affect your brain power, your health, your skin, hair and nails, your mental state, and just your general everyday life.

But, are you getting enough sleep every night?

How Much Sleep Do You Need?

On average, the amount of hours adults need, per night, is 7-9 hours. The amount of sleep you need depends on your age. After doing some research, I found this.

  • Age 0-5 - At the age of 5, children should be getting around 10-13 hours of sleep every day. A newborn, should be having as much as 17 hours per sleep every day.

  • Age 6-17 - In primary school, children should be averaging between 9-11 hours of sleep per night. And teenagers, should be getting around 8-10 hours every night.

  • Adults 18+ - Everynight, adults should be getting between 7-9 hours of sleep. This is required for proper cognitive and behavioural functions. As well as allowing the body and mind to fully recharge.

How Does Sleep Affect Your Skin?

A board-certified sleep specialist says “Having fewer than 6 hours of sleep every night is more than likely going to affect your appearance.”

By increasing the amount of hours of sleep you are getting per night could make you see some changes in your skin. Even in as little as a day. Wake up feeling and looking refreshed!

Skin Benefits:

  • Regeneration of Skin Cells - Did you know, your skin cells regenerate up to 3x faster during the night? Allow your body and mind to switch off, and get the healthy skin you’ve been dreaming of.

  • Collagen Production - Are you looking to achieve youthful and radiant skin? - Sleep is essential! Whilst you sleep, your skin makes new collagen, which plumps out the skin, reducing the appearance of lines as wrinkles. It will also reduce “sagging”. Remember, collagen isn’t just for the skin, it will also improve the strength of your hair and nails too.

  • Glowing Skin & Radiant Complexion - You know after a bad night’s sleep, and you look in the mirror and think “wow, my skin looks dull and tired”. That’s because you haven’t allowed your body to rest. With a good amount of Sleep, your body can increase your blood flow to your skin, giving you a healthy glow.

  • Boost the Effects of Skin Care Products - Most intense anti-ageing products are recommended to be applied in the evening. The reason for this is because the renewal process in your skin during sleep, will allow you to get the best benefits from your products. These products will also support your skin during the repair and renewal stage. This is also a time where your skin isn’t being harmed by Environmental Stresses, so it’s processes are more efficient, giving you the best results.

  • Bye Bye Dark Circles - The first thing we see after a bad night’s sleep is dark, tired and puffy eyes. Minimise your dark circles by getting your 7-9 hours of sleep every night. It’s important to also stay hydrated. This can affect our under eyes and often increase the intensity of the “dark circles” if our skin is dehydrated.


How To Improve Your Sleeping Pattern

Sometimes, you can’t help the amount of sleep you get per night. Life can get in the way, and daily stresses can often keep you awake at night. You may not be able to control the stresses. But, try adopting some positive habits and encourage a positive, healthy night’s sleep.

We’ve put together a little list of healthy changes, that you can try.

  • Start A Sleep Cycle - Every day, including weekends, aim to be in bed at the same time every evening, and set an alarm at the same time every morning to wake up. This will get your body clock used to a pattern and can often be very helpful when it comes to getting enough sleep.

  • Your Environment Needs to be Relaxing - Your bedroom needs to be a space that you associate with being relaxed and winding down. Low lights, neutral colours and comfortable temperature allow your body and mind to feel at ease.

  • Reduce Your Electronic Device Use - 30 minutes before your bedtime, you should stop using your devices. This will allow your mind to switch off. Choosing calming activities instead, like reading, will help to promote a better sleep.

  • No Caffeine - Set yourself a cut off point for your caffeine consumption. Caffeine can take hours to wear off. Our recommendation would be to stop drinking caffeine after 4pm.

  • Daily Exercise - Doing at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day is key when it comes to keep your body and mind healthy. Introducing an element of exercise into your daily routine will also help to promote a good night’s sleep.

  • Pen & Paper on Your Bedside Table - This is a tip that has helped me MASSIVELY. It’s one if my favourites. I’m sure you know that feeling of getting into bed, and your mind just going into complete over-drive. It’s hard to switch off. You worry about what you’ve got to do the next day and evening think about silly things like what you need to get from the supermarket. This is where the a notepad on your night stand will come in handy. Make a list before bed, of things that are running through your mind. It will allow your brain to switch off and you’ll feel much more relaxed when it comes to falling asleep.


Are you ready to start looking after your body, as well as your Skin, Hair and Nails?

Try and introduce a few of these tips into your daily routine, and promote a healthy night’s sleep.

Speak Soon,

Meg x