When is the best time to start a Skin Care Regime?

The answer is simple. - the sooner, the better.

You simply can’t put a number on it. You should be using products on your skin everyday. Whether that’s a soft moisturiser when you’re younger. Or when turning double figures, you might even be using a gentle cleanser, as well as a moisturiser.

Becoming a teenager can be hard. Your hormones start kicking in and your emotions can sometimes seem like you’re on a rollercoaster. However, one thing that doesn’t have to be difficult is your skin. Yes, we all know that when becoming a teenager, our hormonal imbalance can sometimes have negative effects on our skin and quite often, we become more oily-prone. But, with the right skincare products, and a simple, yet effective routine, you can get your skin under control.


At Pure Emporium, we have a team of Skin Care Experts that can help to start you on your skincare journey and give you useful tips and tricks when it comes to achieving healthy skin. - Let’s show you how.

Why is a Skin Care Routine so important?

You need to be looking after your skin every single day. Having a simple, yet effective skin care routine will help you get your skin under control and balance out your moisture levels, and your oil production.

Your skin care routine is designed to help you achieve healthy skin. It's there to prevent damage and protect your skin from external factors that could potentially cause harm.

Your routine should be simple.

It should consist of products that are designed for your skin type and concerns and products that will help you achieve your skin goals. Your routine should be completed AM and PM. This can be difficult to get used to. But, set aside time, morning and evening, for yourself. Time for self-care.

Where do I Start?

Starting a skin care routine can be hard. Especially, if you have no idea about what your skin needs. - That’s where we step in.

With a whole team of fully qualified Skin Experts, we’ve got the knowledge that will help you achieve healthy skin.

Start by booking a Skin Consultation Analysis. - This can EASILY be booked online. Click here to book.

Visit us at the salon, and try out our Skin Analysis machine. With amazing technology, we can look at your skin concerns in-depth and find out exactly what it is that your skin needs! From here, we can guide you with what products will work best, as well as showing you exactly how to use them.

Skin Care Routine Guide

Skin care routines are very dependant on the skin type and concerns. - that’s why we always recommend a skin consultation first.

But, we thought we’d share with you a simple, go-to Skin Care Routine, that is easy to follow and great for most skin concerns!

Everyday, morning and night, you should be doing your skin care routine. The minimum that everyone should be doing is;

  • Cleanse

  • Tone

  • Moisturise

These steps should be followed twice a day to ensure that the skin is clean, moisturised and protected.

Step 1 - Cleanse

Throughout the day, your skin will build up dirt, bacteria, dead skin cells, oil and makeup. It is important to use cleanser twice a day to work deep into your skin and remove all of this. Your cleanser will remove this layer of “dirt” and will allow your skin to breathe. Cleansing has to be the first step of your routine as it will set your skin up and get it ready for the rest of your routine, allowing the products to layer onto the skin correctly.

We recommend Environ’s Low Foam Cleansing Gel. It’s a great cleanser that is suited to most skin types.

Apply 1-2 pumps of the Cleanser to clean, hands. Then apply to your face and neck while it’s damp. Using your fingertips, massage the product into your skin until it forms a smooth foamy-lather. Rinse off with warm water.

Step 2 - Toner

After cleansing, you should be following on with a toner. With the Environ products, the core ingredient is Vitamin A. This is a natural exfoliant. Using a toner will help to refresh the skin, gently exfoliate without scratching the surface and remove any impurities left on the skin after cleansing. A toner is essential before moisturising. It preps your skin to drink up any of the moisturiser, as well as any other skin treatments that you may apply.

We recommend Environ’s Botanical Infused Moisturising Toner. Suitable for all skin types.

Soak a cotton wool pad in the toner and apply all over face and neck. This product doesn’t need to be washed off.

Step 3 - Moisturiser

Moisturising is so important. A good moisturise will help to maintain your skin’s natural moisture level. By maintaining your moisture level, and not having skin that is too oily or too dry will decrease your chance of suffering with acne or any other skins concerns in the future. Your moisturiser is essential when keeping skin looking young and fresh. It’s your skin’s protection. It should be applied morning and night.

We recommend Environ’s AVST 1 Moisturiser. Use AVST Gel for more sensitive skins.

Apply 2-3 pumps to clean hands and massage into face and neck.

And that’s it. - simple right?

So come on, book your skin consultation online. Click here.

Start your skin regime, achieve your goals early and have healthy skin for a lifetime.

What are you waiting for?

Speak soon,

Meg x