For me, 2022 is going to be the year for Happiness and Health.

It’s officially the start of the year. Many of us set New Years Resolutions, we set goals and ideas to achieve. Instead of setting a resolution that is focussed on an “End Goal” or an amount, I am simply saying that 2022 is going to be a year where all I want, is for myself and my family to be happy and healthy.

Interestingly, did you know that your mind affects your actions far more than any other physical parts of your body? Having a negative mindset can prevent you from achieving any dreams or goals that you have set. Your mind is powerful. When thinking positively, your mind can make you realise your dreams and more often than not, you can achieve anything. The key to combating any negativity, is to have meaningful affirmations.

What are Affirmations?

Affirmations are short, powerful statements. They allow you to be in control of your thoughts. To “affirm” something, is to say something positively. So by creating these statements, you are declaring a positive thought and firmly saying that it is true. These powerful, yet simple statements, can help you put positivity before ANY negativity.

Writing down affirmations, or simply saying them over and over, will help to shape your reality. Overtime, they become your thoughts and them you will automatically choose positivity.


How To Write Your Affirmations

Step 1 - Be Powerful

You want to believe in your affirmations. You want to believe in yourself. Starting your short statement with “I am” allows it to become more directive. It’s something you will follow as it gives your mind a command.

Step 2 - Keep it Short

Keep your affirmations short. They can still be just as powerful.

Step 3 - Turn Your Negative Into A Positive

Writing down the Positive opposite will counteract your negative belief. For example, if your thought is “I’m not good enough in my job”, change it to “I believe in myself” or “I will do my best”.

Step 4 - Always Use the Present Tense

You must speak about things as though you already have them. By writing as though you’re experiencing what you desire, it can help your mind to visualise the outcome.

Step 5 - Be Specific

If you have a targeted goal, you must be specific. For example, instead of saying “I want to save money this year,” give yourself a target. Like, “I will save £XXX amount of money this year”.

Step 6 - Make it About YOU

Your affirmations are to describe your actions, not the actions of others. They must mean something to you, and you must believe in your statement. Without belief, you will achieve nothing.

It takes time to get used to the idea of affirmations. Sometimes, you may feel silly. But there’s never anything wrong in praising and being positive about yourself. After all, it is so important to put YOURSELF first sometimes. Embrace the positive and repel the negative. Seeing your affirmations in several forms can give you the best outcome and guarantee sucess.

Think them. Say them. Write them down.

Amy CardPure Emporium