Regular facials are a MUST.

Not only does a facial provide you with time to relax, but more importantly, it will have HUGE benefits on the health and condition of your skin. Your skin is the biggest organ of your body. We need to take the time to look after it! When thinking about your regular hair appointments, don’t forget to do the same for a facial. If you’re booking regular appointments, you’ll easily get into a routine with it. - Your skin deserves nothing less.

At Pure Emporium, we offer both Environ and CACI Facials. If you haven’t heard of these before… Where have you been?!

Environ and CACI are 2 of the world’s leading Skincare Brands, offering solutions to achieve happier and healthy skin. We love these brands so much! Why? - Because they create results!

So, What’s The Difference?

With a CACI facial, you can target facial muscle tone at it’s core. If you’re wanting a more youthful appearance and wanting to target the lifting and toning of the facial muscles, then this is perfect facial for you. You can compare this facial to the gym. It’s like you’re giving your face a workout. Obviously, the more consistent you can be, the better toned your muscles will become.

The Science behind CACI - The CACI machine works by using micro-current to manipulate, lift and tone the muscles. It was originally developed to help treat the facial paralysis condition - Bell’s Palsy. Dr Thomas Wing realised the aesthetic potential and now promotes the treatment as the “Non-Surgical Face Lift”.

The CACI Non-Surgical Face Lift is non-invasive, advanced facial. Using tiny electrical impulses, the facial will lift and tone the muscles in your face, whilst improving the skin elasticity and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.


An Environ facial is a treatment designed for everyone wanting to gain healthier skin. With the Environ DF Machine, products are pushed down to the deepest layers of the skin. This is where any skin changes really happen. At the lowest layers of the skin, skin cells get treated with the Environ products and this will move EVERYONE towards their skin goals. This facial really is for anyone. Whatever your skin concern, we will be able to help you with Environ.

The Science behind Environ - Environ combine science and technology with skin care principles to create amazing results. These facials are great as they’re suitable for all ages, all skin types and both genders.

Environ Facials are designed to combat the damaging effects that Environmental Factors have on our skin everyday. Daily, essential nutrients and vitamins deplete and are lost. Environ strives to increase our levels and reduce the damaging effects on our skin.

Vitamin A is the cornerstone of Environ. It is known to be the VITAL nutrient that should be replenished in order for us to achieve our skin goals. It is crucial for maintaining healthy-looking and radiant skin.

Environ is a medial grade skin care brand, with Facials and Homecare products to help you on your skincare journey!


How Often Do You Need A Facial?

Receiving a facial, alongside using the correct homecare products, can cause your skin to change for the better. At Pure Emporium, we believe that this is the best solution for healthy skin.⁠ ⁠

How often you should get a facial depends on several factors:

  • Your Skin Type

  • Your Skin Condition

  • Your Skin Care Goals

  • Your Budget

For CACI: We recommend a course of 10-15 CACI treatments within the a 5 week period to stimulate the muscles and create the best change. This would then be followed by a one-off treatment every month for maintenance.

For Environ: We recommend a course of 6-12 Environ Ionzyme DF Facials over a 3-6 month period to help ensure that key skin concerns can be targeted, for example: sun damage, fine lines and wrinkles, dehydration as well as sallow looking skin.⁠ ⁠Then, a maintenance facial every 6 weeks.

At Pure Emporium, we know that not everyone will want to commit to a course. So, for someone that is just wanting skin maintenance, alongside adequate homecare products, we would recommend a facial every 4-8 weeks.⁠

Are you ready to start your skin journey?

Book an appointment at Pure Emporium now. Our skin experts are here to help you.

Click here to book.

Amy CardPure Emporium