The Importance Of Collagen


We all know that to have healthy, youthful and plump skin, we need to have a sufficient level of Collagen being produced and present in our skin. But why?

Let’s look into exactly what Collagen is, and why it is so important in the prevention of ageing.

What is Collagen?

Collagen is a protein that is naturally produced in our bodies. It is the most abundant protein, it can be found in our skin, bones, muscles and tendons. Collagen is what keeps our bodies nice and strong, and holds the structure. Which is why it is so important for us to have enough collagen, to give our skin strength and elasticity.

Unfortunately, as we get older, the amount of collagen produced in our bodies decreases, resulting in premature ageing. In fact, from the age of 25, it’s believed that our collagen levels reduce every single year by 1%. Meaning, by the age of 80, you will be producing at least 55% less collagen every year. With this, your collagen fibres will also become thinner and weaker, which could increase your amount of fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin.

Although there is no way to prevent the collagen levels in your body decreasing, there are definitely ways to promote healthier looking skin with simple lifestyle changes, some additional products, skin treatments and more…

Let’s start by looking at the overall changes we could make to prevent ageing.

Easy Changes to Prevent Ageing…

  • Stop smoking - If you are a regular or social smoker, you are decreasing your collagen levels every time you have a cigarette. Smoking creates oxidative stress, which massively depletes your collagen levels, speeding up how quickly your skin ages. Smoking will promote wrinkles, as well as a dull and sallow complexion.

  • Protecting your skin - Did you know that you should be applying an SPF every single day? Rain or shine, an SPF should be an important step in your daily skincare regime. UV Rays cause the collagen in your skin to break down, increasing your risk of premature ageing.

  • Reduce your alcohol intake - Alcohol is a major component when it comes to the ageing of your skin. Alcohol can cause the skin to become dry and dehydrated. With the damage that this causes your skin, in time, it will make you look older.

  • Eat a well-balanced diet - If you read my blog from a few weeks ago, you will know that food can make a HUGE difference to the health of your skin. Click here to read that one! A high protein diet, as well as eating foods that are rich in antioxidants will help when it comes to keep your skin healthy.

  • Supplementing - Taking Skin Care Supplements daily, is one of the most efficient ways to promote healthy skin. Feeding your skin from the inside-out, will work quicker than your topical creams and will feed the skin over the whole of your body. However, that does not mean you should choose supplementing over your creams. They work best together, creating a 100% Skin Health. Feed your skin from the top and the bottom, and give it what it really needs.

  • Skincare - It’s important that you have a daily skin care routine that you are completing morning and night. You wouldn’t go without brushing your teeth daily, so why should your skin be any different? At Pure Emporium Skin & Laser Clinic, we are always here with your best interests at heart. We have a whole team of trained Skin Experts, who are ready to share their knowledge, and help you achieve your Skin Goals. Ready to get started? - Click here and book in for a Skin Analysis Consultation now.

  • Facials/ Skin Treatments - At Pure Emporium, we have a whole range of Skin Treatments that will help promote collagen production, as well as improving the health of your skin. Skin treatments can reach the layers of the skin that you aren’t able to, with your homecare products alone. From Environ, to Dermalux and now even the AMAZING Laser Skin Treatments, we’ve got something for everyone. And again, if you have noooo idea where to start, that’s where our Skin Experts will step in and guide you. During your Skin Analysis Consultation, they can offer you advice regarding products, treatments and even lifestyle. - Get booked in now. (link above.)

Our Recommendations:

Skin Collagen Support Supplements - Advanced Nutrition Programme have created a supplement that will help to build and maintain collagen levels. This is an anti-ageing skincare supplement with a cocktail of high-quality active ingredients. Skin Collagen Support uses Vitamin C, Zinc, MSM, and Grapeseed and Melon extracts to safeguard elastin and collagen. This will increase the production of these vital proteins and protect against oxidative stress leading to sumptuously supple and youthful skin.

Available at Pure Emporium. RRP £40.


Environ’s 3D Synerge Filler Créme - As we age, we notice fine lines, wrinkles and sagging. But, as well as these, our skin also loses volume. So, Environ created a serum that can help with all of our ageing problems. This serum is to be applied before your recommended Environ moisturiser, and can be used morning and night. It will:

  • Improve fine lines and wrinkles

  • Improve water loss to give a ‘plump’ effect

  • Help improve the elasticity of your skin

  • Protect the skin’s volume

  • Add volume to plump lines on the cheek, neck and eyes

Available at Pure Emporium. RRP £79.


TREATMENT: Fractional Resurfacing Laser - Fractional resurfacing can be done on the face or the body. It’s incredible for anti-ageing as well as improving the appearance of scars or stretchmarks. It’s one of the most advanced resurfacing treatments available, without any scary down-time. It’s known as the gold standard laser facial treatment. This is your go-to facial if you’re wanting to see more dramatic changes regarding anti-ageing.

During the treatment, multiple microscopic laser beams are flashed onto the skin’s surface, leaving the epidermis (top layer of the skin) unharmed, but causes damage to 20% of the dermal layer of the skin’s tissue (the lower layers of the skin.) Damage is a scary word – but trust us, it’s not! The other 80% non-injured skin cells in the dermis work to repair the damaged ones, triggering the skin’s healing response. The healing response kickstarts the skin’s regeneration process, and large amounts of collagen are stimulated. The boost of collagen and fresh skin cells majorly improve the overall skin tone, texture, and tightness of the skin. Imagine pressing the reset button on your skin and having fresh, plumped, juicy skin cells in the area we treat – amazing stuff. This is how we get the results!   

The regeneration process start right away, but can take 3-6 months to see the maximum results. Your skin is getting renewed way past your treatment!

With this treatment, you must book a Laser Consultation first, where you’ll receive a patch test. Click here and get booked in now!


And that’s it. At Pure Emporium Skin & Laser Clinic, we are here for you. No matter the concern, we are always, ready to help you achieve your goals. Get started today.

Speak soon.

Meg, Manager x

Amy CardPure Emporium