Treat Skin Concerns with Fractional Laser

The Fractional Laser Skin Treatment.

Are you ready to effectively treat your skin concerns and get TRANSFORMATIONAL results? - With a Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing treatment, you can get total skin rejuvenation, giving your skin a smooth, youthful and glowing appearance.

At Pure Emporium, our skin experts are ready to help you achieve your skin goals. Whatever your concern may be, we’re here to help you.

If this is something that interests you, then keep on reading…

Why Should You Choose a Fractional Skin Treatment?

Have you got skin concerns that seem impossible to treat? - With Fractional Resurfacing, we are able to treat the skin with a targeted laser light. Providing dramatic results, without any significant “downtime”.

But, what are the treatment benefits?

If you are wanting to achieve any of the following, then this is the treatment for you:

  • Brighter skin.

  • Even skin tone.

  • Smoother skin texture.

  • Improved skin elasticity.

  • Reduction of fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Reduced pore size.

  • Improved appearance of scars.

  • Improved appearance of acne scars.

  • Improved appearance of stretch marks.

Are these your skin concerns? - we can treat face and body. Get booked in now for a Laser Consultation. Click here.

*please note that with all IPL/Laser treatments, a consultation must be carried out before any treatment starts. - During your consultation, we will discover your suitability and your individual treatment needs. A full treatment plan will then be put together to target your specific concerns. At Pure Emporium, we aim to improve the appearance, feel and health of your skin.


But, How Does it Work?

With Fractional Skin Resurfacing, minute sections of the skin are targeted with laser light. This light then penetrates into the tissue, causing small columns of thermal damage which then stimulates collagen renewal The surrounding areas of the skin, that haven’t been affected, aid the bodies natural recovery process, allowing dramatic results, without significant downtime.

What Does The Treatment Involve?

Typical treatment times vary depending on the skin condition being treated and the area that we are working on. Generally, treatments can range from 10 to 50 minutes.

To start, the skin is cleansed to allow for a cleanse surface for the treatment to work effectively. Then, the laser handpick is moved over the skin, delivering tiny microscopic laser beams. During this part of the treatment, are warm, heating sensation is felt, along with some mild tingling.

After this treatment, the skin can be quite hot, so we use cooling packs over the area to minimise discomfort.

What To Expect Post-Treatment:

For a few hours after the treatment, you will experience a mild sunburnt sensation and the skin may appear red for 1-2 days. This is a completely normal sign that the skin is healing at a deep level. Swelling can also be likely, but minimal and should resolve within 2-3 days. As the healing process occurs, your skin may have a “bronzed” appearance that last 3-10 days, depending on the treatment level. Your skin will naturally exfoliate and may flake as though you’ve had mild sunburn.

Unwanted Effects:

Unwanted effects are rare but can include a small blister or temporary change to your skin pigmentation. For example, darkening of the skin.

What Will You Achieve With a Fractional Resurfacing Treatment?

This AMAZING treatment is designed to improve the appearance and smoothness of your skin. The Fractional Resurfacing Treatments aims to stimulate your skin’s natural healing process. Ultimately, resulting in an increased collagen production and a renewal process that takes years off your skin! What’s even better, there is little to no downtime. This Laser Treatment can treat lines, wrinkes, skin laxity, scarring, stretch marks, acne scars, skin tone and skin texture, Aiming to also restore a youthful glow to your complexion.


Our Recommendation

Improvement to the skin and any concerns in most cases is evident after the first session. For optimum results, we would recommend 3-5 treatments. These would be carried out every 2 to 6 weeks, depending on the level of rejuvenation required.

Are you ready to make a change to your skin? Get your Laser/IPL Skin Consultation booked in online now. Our team of Skin Experts at Pure Emporium are ready and waiting to help you!

Click here & book!

Look forward to seeing you in the salon!

Speak soon,

Meg x

Amy CardPure Emporium