How to get Long Lasting Hair Removal!

Are you ready to ditch your razor?

The worry of unwanted hair can get boring. I don’t know about you, but sometimes the thought of even having to jump in the shower to shave is so off-putting. I’d much rather wear an outfit that would just cover it up, than put in the constant effort.

BUT… now there is a solution that can solve all of our hair-issues.

Introducing IPL Hair Removal.

IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light. This is the technique that we use to to target your hair follicles and create long lasting Hair Removal.

For IPL, we need hair that has pigment. So we can treat Black, Brown and Light Brown Hair. We CANNOT treat blonde, grey, white or red hair. The reason for this is because dark colours are able to absorb the light. In fact, the darker the hair, the better the results.

So, Why Should You Choose an IPL Hair Removal Course?

As we have already mentioned, we know that the need to remove any unwanted hair every few days can be frustrating. It’s time consuming and just generally a pain to do. With other types of hair removal, we can get unwanted side effects like shaving rash or ingrown hairs. With IPL Hair Removal, there is no concern when it comes to those.

But, what hair can we target?

IPL is an effective method of hair removal that can be done pretty much anywhere! Face and Body. At Pure Emporium, we can treat:

  • Lip & Chin

  • Neck

  • Sides of Face

  • Middle of the Brows

  • Bikini Line

  • Brazillian

  • Hollywood

  • Underarms

  • Legs


To view our full list of IPL Hair Removal Treatments, along with the prices, click here.

Are you convinced yet? - Click here and book your Laser skin consultation now.

*please note that with all IPL/Laser treatments, a consultation must be carried out before any treatment starts. - During your consultation, we will discover your suitability and your individual treatment needs. A full treatment plan will then be put together to target your specific concerns. At Pure Emporium, we aim to improve the appearance, feel and health of your skin.


What Does The Treatment Involve?

The treatment for IPL Hair Removal is very simple.

The area/areas to be treated will be:

  1. Cleansed with a solution to ensure that no barrier is on the skin that could affect the treatment.

  2. Treated this is the physical IPL part of the treatment. Here we use the clever technology to treat the target area/areas. Depending on the area, the timing of your treatment will vary.

  3. Soothed at the end of your treatment, a light soothing cream will be applied to the area/areas to cool and soothe the area. We can also use a cool compress to ensure that the area is comfortable and soothed effectively.

The Sensation:

The best way to describe the feeling of IPL Hair removal, is to imagine a flicking sensation. As though you’re flicking your skin with an elastic band. Personally, when I had this treatment done, it felt like a slightly warm flick and that’s it. It’s a very tolerable sensation and will subside very quickly. This can vary depending on the treatment area, as some body areas can experience a little bit more sensitivity, but it shouldn’t be a feeling that isn’t tolerable. We can also adjust the machine settings to ensure your tolerance and comfort. Many clients have explained that it is more comfortable to receive than waxing.

What Will You Achieve With IPL Hair Removal?

This answer is easy. You’ll be hair free. With IPL Hair Removal, we aim to remove at least 90% of the hair in the area being treated. You’re probably wondering how this works…

The pigment in your hair absorbs the light from the IPL. This then produces heat. The heat damages the hair follicle in such a way that it inhibits regrowth. Our hair grows in a cycle, so hairs that are in the active growth stage, will then naturally fall out over a period of 1-3 weeks after the treatment. This is why a course is always recommended.

Possible Side Effects:

All or any of the following are great outcomes:

  • Redness in the treated area

  • Swollen hair follicles (bumps on the skin)

Areas may feel warm but will be cooled down during and after the treatment to ensure things are comfortable. We will end the treatment with a light soothing moisturiser with calming and anti-bacterial effects. The area should go back to normal within 24-48 hours.

Our Recommendations:

For effective hair removal, we ALWAYS recommend having a course of treatments.

Body Areas: We recommend a course of 6-8 treatments, with 6 weeks in between each session.

Facial Areas: We recommend a course of 8-10 treatments, with 4 weeks in between each session.


Are you ready to ditch that razor and say goodbye to unwanted hair? Get your Laser/IPL Consultation booked in online now. Our team of Skin Experts at Pure Emporium are ready and waiting to help you!

Click here & book!

Look forward to seeing you in the salon!

Speak soon,

Meg x

Amy CardPure Emporium