Are you wanting to see results yesterday?!

Shouting out to all my impatient humans out there!

If you’re anything like me, you’ll want things yesterday.

Are you the type of person that tries something, and if you don’t see results within a week, the product gets shoved in the drawer and the search continues to find an alternative?

If so, this information is definitely for you!

If you've invested wisely in medical grade skin (skincare proven to make a change in the skin - definitely what your skin needs) and are using Active ingredients (ingredients proven to make a change to the skin - absolutely what your skin needs) then you need to be using the product for a minimum of 8-12 weeks before seeing the full benefit.

Yep 12 weeks.

or 3 months.

Potato Potarto 😋

Scownes or Sconns, you catch my drift.

You need to persevere for this length of time when you're using active ingredients such as Vitamin A, as the skin will be going through changes throughout this time.

It will start working it’s magic from day 1, but we must not lose sight about the fact it’s actually changing your skin cells, and we all know that Rome wasn't built in a day.

Some will notice the results within a week. Some will take 3 months. That’s OK! Not one person’s skin is the same as another.

Have patience. If you're looking for a product to miraculously change your skin overnight then you're going to be looking for quite some time, because ultimately Vitamin A is THE BEST.

I cannot stress that bit enough - Vitamin A is the best!

The reason why it’s so good for your skin is because it’s the one specific ingredient your skin knows, recognises and needs to be as healthy as possible.

We all have the ability to create Vitamin A in the body, but none of us can keep it. It gets depleted every single day and we can’t make enough of it to keep our skin as healthy as possible.

This is why we need to replace it and top our stores up.

If you want the best looking skin, you need to be using Vitamin A.

During the time you're introducing Vitamin A in your skin, you might notice your skin goes through changes - any changes that you notice when you start is good! It means it's working. Everything will balance itself out once you get further down the line within that 12 week marker, or even longer for some.

The exciting thing with our skincare brand Environ is that it’s a full journey, the safe way.

You’re introducing Vitamin A into your skin and this is going to give you amazing results, you just need to remember that your skin needs time to rectify any problems to become as healthy as it can be.

Trust the process though. Change is a journey!

If you're ready to start making changes to your skin for the better, let's work together on that.

Want to speed things up?

Talk to us in the salon about introducing Skincare Supplements into your regime. This will truly accelerate your results, as it feeds a huge 80% of your skin layers with it’s ingredients. Partnered with your skincare, this will be giving every skin cell on your face a full 360 degree approach - moving you to where you want to be much, much faster.

To accelerate you even more? Receive frequent facials, around the 4-6 week marker is perfect. When the facials, work alongside the skincare, which works alongside the supplements we’re suddenly breaking the speed limit to getting you to healthy skin!

Don’t worry if you’re impatient - we’ve got your back!

Book in for a consultation where we can help get your started on your skincare journey.

Click here to book in online

We look forward to seeing you in the salon soon!

All the very best,


Pure Emporium
