Having skin that is classed as “sensitive” can be a struggle. Dealing with irritation and redness isn’t fun, especially when they can cause your skin to become itchy, dry and even textured.

But... did you know that there’s a difference between having a Sensitive Skin Type and having a temporary skin condition that’s making your skin Sensitised?



So, what is the difference?

Sensitive Skin is naturally “reactive skin”. If you get skin irritation and flare ups from certain foods, products and ingredients, it’s more than likely that you have a Sensitive Skin Type.

However, Sensitised Skin is technically a type of injury. It is the result of overstimulation of the skin. Certain products, treatments and how you care for your skin can cause it to become “injured”.


Let’s look at this in more detail…


Sensitive Skin

As we all know, sensitive skin is a type of skin that is very easily irritated. Whether that’s irritation, itching or swelling, you will more than likely refer to your skin type as being sensitive. But, have you been experiencing this throughout your whole life? Or does only occur every now and again?

If you have a sensitive skin type, it could be linked to other conditions that you are suffering with. Things like allergies, asthma and hormones can cause sensitivity. Generally, your skin may be slightly thinner which will leave your more prone to blushing and allergies. Sensitive skin types will usually have less pigment in their skin too. This also means that you won’t have as strong of a protective barrier for you skin, making it hard to retain your skin’s moisture and keep any pollutants out.

Unfortunately, we cannot change our skin type. However, there are ways that we can easily manage it.

The signs of sensitive skin;

-         Skin that easily flushes

-         Prone to rashes and bumps

-         Dry patches

-         Skin won’t react well to fragrant products

-         Broken capillaries

-         Skin reactions when the weather is bad

-         You tend to break out easily

-         Your skin feels itchy and you may suffer from Psoriasis/Eczema



Sensitised Skin

Symptoms of Sensitised skin can be very similar to those of a Sensitive Skin. However, Sensitised skin is NOT a skin type. This is a skin condition that is triggered by environmental and lifestyle factors. These include your diet, stress levels, UV rays, seasons, medication and even certain skincare products. If you notice a sudden change in your skin, this could be sensitisation. If this is not treated, conditions such a psoriasis, rosacea, eczema and dermatitis can form.

It can happen to anyone. Have you ever used a product and had a reaction that you weren’t expecting? You probably thought, “jheeze, I’ll never use that again”… Well that was probably because your skin was sensitised to the ingredients in that product.

It’s a case of knowing what triggers your skin. This means that you’ll be able to avoid any future issues. It’s all about finding what works best for your skin. The most important thing to remember is to keep your skincare regime simple and use products that will not irritate your skin. If you were to use gentle and soothing products, this will calm and strengthen the skin.


What Should You Use?

The best way to treat sensitivity is to gradually increase the topical application of Vitamin A and antioxidants. This is process that will create a natural barrier between the skin and the cause of sensitivity. In time, this will results in the appearance of less inflammation, leaving it looking and feeling better and more comfortable.

The Advanced Nutrition Programme Supplements and Environ Skincare can help you achieve this. (Available at our salon, Pure Emporium.)

At Pure Emporium, we offer in depth skin consultations with one of our Skin Experts who can help you with your skin journey.

Start today. Book a consultation online now! CLICK HERE!

Speak soon!

Meg x

Amy CardPure Emporium