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It's been said that by leaving your makeup on at night it will age you by 24 hours. 

That's adding an extra day onto your looks! 

We don't want that! 

Throughout the day, dirt, grime, excess oils and pollution sit on the surface of your skin or makeup. Without washing this off, it will stay there when you go to bed.

The thought of this transferring to our pillow is pretty grim.  

Apart from not wanting to be a dirty dolly, why else is taking your makeup off at night so important?! 

Your skin repairs, regenerates and restores itself when you are sleeping.

I’m 99.9% certain that if you were asked if you want to have skin congestion, breakouts, clogged pores or imperfections, your answer would be no. None of us want these things.

The reality of it is, sleeping in makeup will prevent your skin functioning normally so when it tries to regenerate, it simply can’t. This could quickly lead to some or all of the above happening.

Also, if you've ever woken up in the morning, looked in the mirror, and wished your skin looked brighter, your lack of cleansing could be the problem.

Oils and dead skin cells on the outermost layers of the skin get matted up against the pillow all night, and natural turnover of the top layer of skin cells gets trampled on. After establishing a good skin routine, your complexion will look so glowing, you won't need nearly as much makeup to brighten it up - win, win!

I think part of the reason us skincare professionals, get so obsessive about skin cleansing is because we understand the skin’s fundamental needs, it’s hard to ignore the damage that leaving your makeup on at night can do.

Skin cells need TLC, especially when we sleep, to stay healthy, prevent breakouts and prevent early ageing.  

Letting your skin be without makeup at night is absolutely key to creating healthier skin. 

We've all done it... (I'm sure we can't promise that in a very drunken state it won't happen again either. We're only human after all!) 

But in all seriousness, I cannot stress enough the super-duper importance of removing your makeup and then applying further products to treat your skin before hitting your comfy bed.

Your skin will represent you forever. Let’s take care of it. 

If you'd like more advice on skin cleansers that will accelerate you towards your skin goals - we've got some incredible ones, right here in the salon, from our results driven skincare brand - Environ.

You can read about the cleansers we offer by clicking here.

These cleansers will not only take your makeup off efficiently, they can also help treat the skin depending on your skin concerns.

You can also book a skin consultation, or send over a product enquiry by clicking here 

We’d love to help you on your journey to your skin goals.

Let’s get started…

Pure Emporium