Posts tagged homecare

Blackheads look like little dark dots, usually flat to the skin’s surface within the pore.

These can be caused by a build up of oil mixed with dead skin cells, blocking the hair follicles meaning the oil that would normally flow through becomes trapped and clogs up.

When the pore becomes blocked and congested in this way, and when it gets to the skin’s surface and oxygen hits it, it causes it to turn black / dark in colour - (where the name ‘blackhead’ comes from.)

A blackhead commonly gets mistaken for dirt being stuck in the pores - untrue!

We know that exfoliating in the right way will help clear skin. I repeat, THE RIGHT WAY. This is not by using harsh granular scrubs that will strip the skin of it’s natural oils. We need those oils for the skin to work at it’s best, as well as looking great.

We've been talking with Environ about the best way to help you get rid of them at home, with their incredible products!

Here's the best way of fighting them off at home whilst giving your skin a gorgeous glow:

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Why We Don't Recommend Using A Face Scrub To Exfoliate

When we talk about face scrubs, we're talking about granular scrubs. These are the scrubs with 'bits' in them, that feel like it’s ‘scrubbing’ your skin.

They are promoted to rid the skin of dead cells and keep the skin clean, healthy and bright.

We don’t agree.

Keeping your skin in it’s optimum condition is so much more important, and we’re here to explain why scrubbing your skin can actually cause more harm than good.

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You may go to the high street for your shopping, and you might see skincare in the aisles at the supermarket… but what is the true difference between the quality of these products versus what you can purchase at the beauty / aesthetic salon?

If you’re a big fan of skincare, or visit a salon regularly, you have more than likely seen that the brands a salon will provide are different to those you see on the high street or supermarket shelves. At Pure Emporium we do exactly this.

But what really is ‘medical grade skincare’? Why does it differ to high street brands, and why should you consider spending your hard-earned cash on it, when you can get products cheaper in town?

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The Best Anti-Ageing Skincare Treatments

Ageing is something we are all trying to avoid.

Have you ever looked at a photo of yourself, or caught yourself in the mirror and thought, oh my god, where did those lines come from?! When did I start looking old?!

Now, my motto is that prevention is always better than cure - however if you’ve got to the stage of not knowing what to do next to reverse the signs of ageing, it’s important you know which way to turn, and what options you have available to you.

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Back To School Soothing Limited Edition Treatments

The children are now back to school, after what feel like the longest time off in forever and at long last some sort of routine may resume.

It's a fresh start for the children.

How much time have you taken out just for yourself over the last 6 months?

This is the perfect time for a fresh start for you too.

Put yourself first.

Give yourself something back.

Our September Limited Edition treatments have been created with total relaxation in mind and are based on giving yourself some time back.

We believe you deserve it, and you should too.

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It's been said that by leaving your makeup on at night it will age you by 24 hours.
That's adding an extra day onto your looks! We don't want that!

Throughout the day, dirt, grime, excess oils and pollution sit on the surface of your skin or makeup. Without washing this off, it will stay there when you go to bed.

The thought of this transferring to our pillow is pretty grim.

Apart from not wanting to be a dirty dolly, why else is taking your makeup off at night so important?!

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