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Oh blackheads, aren’t you just so annoying?! Yep, we agree!

They look like little dark dots, usually flat to the skin’s surface within the pore.

A blackhead commonly gets mistaken for dirt being stuck in the pores, or those having dirty skin will get them - untrue!

These can be caused by a build up of oil mixed with dead skin cells, blocking the hair follicles meaning the oil that would normally flow through becomes trapped and clogs up.

When the pore becomes blocked and congested in this way, and when it gets to the skin’s surface and oxygen hits it, it causes it to turn black / dark in colour - (where the name ‘blackhead’ comes from.)

Blackheads, officially known as Open Comedones, are in fact classed within the acne family. If you have them, you’re among majority of adults.

Ever felt the need to squeeze them out? We’d highly recommend that you don’t! Squeezing them out can cause damage to the skin cells, as well as disturbing the skin’s normal function and can cause MORE issues.

We know that exfoliating in the right way will help clear skin. I repeat, THE RIGHT WAY. This is not by using harsh granular scrubs that will strip the skin of it’s natural oils. We need those oils for the skin to work at it’s best, as well as looking great.

We've been talking with Environ about the best way to help you get rid of them at home, with their incredible products!

Here's the best way of fighting them off at home whilst giving your skin a gorgeous glow:

Products needed -

  • Environ Pre-Cleansing Oil

  • Environ Derma Lac Lotion

  • Environ Cleanser (any from the range, suited to your skin needs)

What to do -

1)💥 Massage in Environ's Pre-Cleansing oil for around 10 minutes. You can even up this to 15 minutes if you're wanting to give yourself a lovely at home facial massage. Do not remove it! Leave it on your skin for step 2.

Never be fooled into thinking that if your skin is oily you shouldn’t use oil based products. This couldn’t be further from the truth, your skin needs it! The reason this product is absolutely what your skin needs is that oil cuts through oil. It will help to break down the sebum plugs, which is the oil that has gotten trapped in the skins' pores. (Imagine putting vaseline on your skin, and then pouring water over it. The water will simply glides off and the vaseline will still be there - same concept with your skin, we need to use oil to remove the oil.)

2)💥 Apply Environ Derma Lac Lotion on top of the pre-cleansing oil and leave it on for 5 minutes. Leave this on the skin, don't wash it off just yet!

This product contains low levels of Lactic Acid - nothing to be frightened of. This is going to dissolve the bonds to release the dead skin cells in a safe and effective way - also revealing a gorgeous skin glow. Using safe acids on the skin is the best form of exfoliating and removing those skin cells that we just don’t need anymore to fully refresh the skin, and prevent dead skin cells causing issues with blackheads, spots and annoying breakouts.

3) 💥Lastly, apply your Environ Cleanser of your choice from the range and massage around the face for 1 minute and Remove with a Clean, Soft, Facial cloth / Flannel.

Now we want to get rid of all of the below. We’ve already broken down the oil, we’ve broken down the dead skin cells and now we want the skin to be radiantly cleansed. The Mild Cleansing Lotion / Low Foam Cleansing Gel are perfect for all skin types. The Hydra Intense Cleansing Lotion is the go-to option for those wanting to target anti-ageing or redness. The Sebu-Wash Gel Cleanser is perfect for those suffering with stronger more stubborn breakouts or oily skin.

You'll notice a difference quickly! Repeat these steps around 3 times per week to help rid your skin of those pesky annoying blackheads.

Want to know more about how Environ Skincare can help you?

Come and join us for a Skin Consultation in the salon! - you can book online by clicking right here.

Alternatively, send us a message regarding the products you are looking for and we’ll have a chat with you - click here

See you in the salon soon!


Pure Emporium
