Posts tagged skinproducts

Sensitive skin or Reactive skin is something that we come across frequently.

When our skin is working at it’s best, it has the protective layer that locks in moisture and prevents anything penetrating through it and causing issues. When this layer gets damaged, which can be caused by a number of factors, your skin becomes sensitive or reactive to things in the environment or what you use on it topically.

The best way to think of this is ‘irritated.’ If your skin is irritated it will feel like one, some or all of the below:

  • Itchy and tight

  • Red

  • Blotchy

Sensitive skin is more delicate, and more susceptible to reactions caused by external factors - weather, pollution, chemicals, makeup, household cleaning products and general cosmetics.

Let’s look at the best way of treating it…

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Oooooo where do we start! We LOVE Hyaluronic Acid!

Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance in skin known for its incredible capacity to attract and hold onto 1000x its weight in water / moisture. It assists in replenishing skin to enhance a healthy, supple look and feel.

It works like a sponge, to help retain the moisture and plump the skin.

As we age our skin loses the ability to retain the water, and the amount of Hyaluronic Acid that our body naturally creates depletes. (Yet another downside to ageing, sorry folks!) Over time, wrinkles and lines will form and our skin will lose it’s ‘bounce’.

It works alongside Vitamin A incredibly well. It attracts and holds onto moisture in the skin cells and gives the skin more of a plumped and smooth appearance! When you’re using products containing Vitamin A alongside Hyaluronic Acid, your skin is set for a breath of fresh air….

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Blackheads look like little dark dots, usually flat to the skin’s surface within the pore.

These can be caused by a build up of oil mixed with dead skin cells, blocking the hair follicles meaning the oil that would normally flow through becomes trapped and clogs up.

When the pore becomes blocked and congested in this way, and when it gets to the skin’s surface and oxygen hits it, it causes it to turn black / dark in colour - (where the name ‘blackhead’ comes from.)

A blackhead commonly gets mistaken for dirt being stuck in the pores - untrue!

We know that exfoliating in the right way will help clear skin. I repeat, THE RIGHT WAY. This is not by using harsh granular scrubs that will strip the skin of it’s natural oils. We need those oils for the skin to work at it’s best, as well as looking great.

We've been talking with Environ about the best way to help you get rid of them at home, with their incredible products!

Here's the best way of fighting them off at home whilst giving your skin a gorgeous glow:

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Have you ever wondered when the best time is to start using anti-ageing skincare?
We hear the statement: 'my mum's skin was amazing so mine will be too!’ frequently as well.
I don’t want to be the fun police or anything but this isn’t necessarily the case…

We control 80-90% of the way our skin will age. It’s a fact that 80-90% of the way we age is determined by what we do to the skin. Sun exposure, stress, alcohol, smoking, diet, digestion - all of these things will hugely impact the ageing process long-term.

This means that only 10-20% of the way we age will be down to genetics. So if you’re solely basing how you think you will age on those further up in your family tree… you may well be disappointed.

Maybe you think you should start using anti ageing skincare when you turn 30? 40? Perhaps when you hit the big 5-0?
It's a question we're asked frequently, and if you're not already using specific anti-ageing skincare, you need to keep on reading...

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You may go to the high street for your shopping, and you might see skincare in the aisles at the supermarket… but what is the true difference between the quality of these products versus what you can purchase at the beauty / aesthetic salon?

If you’re a big fan of skincare, or visit a salon regularly, you have more than likely seen that the brands a salon will provide are different to those you see on the high street or supermarket shelves. At Pure Emporium we do exactly this.

But what really is ‘medical grade skincare’? Why does it differ to high street brands, and why should you consider spending your hard-earned cash on it, when you can get products cheaper in town?

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