Posts tagged skin

Sensitive skin or Reactive skin is something that we come across frequently.

When our skin is working at it’s best, it has the protective layer that locks in moisture and prevents anything penetrating through it and causing issues. When this layer gets damaged, which can be caused by a number of factors, your skin becomes sensitive or reactive to things in the environment or what you use on it topically.

The best way to think of this is ‘irritated.’ If your skin is irritated it will feel like one, some or all of the below:

  • Itchy and tight

  • Red

  • Blotchy

Sensitive skin is more delicate, and more susceptible to reactions caused by external factors - weather, pollution, chemicals, makeup, household cleaning products and general cosmetics.

Let’s look at the best way of treating it…

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Retinol is a true buzz word when it comes to skincare, but there's a lot of confusion that surrounds it. Let's dig deep into what it actually is.

Fact - Retinol IS VITAMIN A. Yep. It's the same thing.

Vitamin A comes in many different forms. And Retinol is simply one of them.

The many forms derived from Vitamin A ultimately, all of these forms do the exact same thing. Inside the skin, they change to Retinoic Acid.

All of these forms of Vitamin A transform in the skin to Retinoic Acid at different speeds, and it's this that the skin recognises and thrives from to become healthy and helps to repair skin cells as well as a whole host of benefits- It will strengthen the skin, boost immunity, balance oil production and has HUGE anti-ageing benefits.

It’s the way the skin will cope with them that differentiates between them. Let’s dig deeper…

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Let’s understand the importance of cleansing… with a cleanser!
Deep down we know that cleansing our face with a cleanser is the best thing for healthier skin… I’m sorry to burst any bubbles, but face wipes are not a suitable alternative.
If you use them, you may think they’re convenient, quick and easy, but trust us when we say the negatives vastly outweigh the positives. (And, I cleanse my skin faster with a cleanser and clean flannel than I would removing my makeup with any type of wipe!)
Here is a professional beauty tip for healthier skin - ditch the face wipes!
If you’re still using wipes on your face, and want to know the reasons why we would highly recommend that you stop, here’s why…

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You may go to the high street for your shopping, and you might see skincare in the aisles at the supermarket… but what is the true difference between the quality of these products versus what you can purchase at the beauty / aesthetic salon?

If you’re a big fan of skincare, or visit a salon regularly, you have more than likely seen that the brands a salon will provide are different to those you see on the high street or supermarket shelves. At Pure Emporium we do exactly this.

But what really is ‘medical grade skincare’? Why does it differ to high street brands, and why should you consider spending your hard-earned cash on it, when you can get products cheaper in town?

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Maskne. Skin issues from wearing masks?

The face masks we are wearing on a daily basis are causing havoc for our skin. We aren’t used to it, our skin isn’t used to it and it’s creating skin concerns such as dryness, breakouts and congestion around the mouth, nose and cheek area. Does this sound familiar?

Read our Top Tips to overcoming ‘Maskne’ and the skin concerns created by wearing masks on a regular basis to get your skin back on track regarding it’s healthy, feeling good and looking gorgeous.

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We are all quick to nip to the shops and buy a new outfit for an evening out, or have a browse online and order a new pair of shoes for a special occasion... but let's not forget the most important part of your outfit... YOUR SKIN. 
Your skin is 90% of your selfie, and without feeling happy and confident with your skin your pictures will probably disappoint you. 

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So why is Vitamin A in skincare so good?! 
Dr Des Fernandes, Environ founder and scientific director, revealed that Vitamin A is the one molecule that plays a vital role in our metabolic processes. As it works on the DNA it can determine the behaviour of the stem cells. By normalizing how cells function, Vitamin A is able to influence cells to behave in a younger, healthier way. 

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