Posts tagged homecareenviron

Introducing our brand new Skin Analysis Machine. The Observ 520X.

Are you ready to find out about your skin in greater detail? At Pure Emporium, we have introduced a skin analysis machine which will allow our skin experts to see your skin and any concerns that you may want to treat at both, epidermal and dermal layer. This clever machine was scientifically developed on the principle of skin fluorescence. Allowing us to examine your skin’s health at a deeper level.

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Oooooo where do we start! We LOVE Hyaluronic Acid!

Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance in skin known for its incredible capacity to attract and hold onto 1000x its weight in water / moisture. It assists in replenishing skin to enhance a healthy, supple look and feel.

It works like a sponge, to help retain the moisture and plump the skin.

As we age our skin loses the ability to retain the water, and the amount of Hyaluronic Acid that our body naturally creates depletes. (Yet another downside to ageing, sorry folks!) Over time, wrinkles and lines will form and our skin will lose it’s ‘bounce’.

It works alongside Vitamin A incredibly well. It attracts and holds onto moisture in the skin cells and gives the skin more of a plumped and smooth appearance! When you’re using products containing Vitamin A alongside Hyaluronic Acid, your skin is set for a breath of fresh air….

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Needling the skin is something that is SUPER effective… when it's done in the correct way, with the correct tools, following on with the correct products!

What's the purpose of micro-needling? It's designed to push your active topical skincare deeper into your skin. The needles create tiny little channels where the products saturate to lower layers of the skin, and we always hit home about getting the products to the lowest layers will create more change - FACT.

Environ launched the world's FIRST cosmetic roller and pioneered the concept of Micro-Needling more than 20 years ago.

The truth is, when you move up the scale with your Vitamin A levels, your skin becomes more protected, which is exactly what we want, but it also means we need to do more to get what we want to where it needs it - which is where the needling comes in.

Microneedling / at home skin rollers / Skin Needling all mean the same thing and is something that we highly recommend…

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Blackheads look like little dark dots, usually flat to the skin’s surface within the pore.

These can be caused by a build up of oil mixed with dead skin cells, blocking the hair follicles meaning the oil that would normally flow through becomes trapped and clogs up.

When the pore becomes blocked and congested in this way, and when it gets to the skin’s surface and oxygen hits it, it causes it to turn black / dark in colour - (where the name ‘blackhead’ comes from.)

A blackhead commonly gets mistaken for dirt being stuck in the pores - untrue!

We know that exfoliating in the right way will help clear skin. I repeat, THE RIGHT WAY. This is not by using harsh granular scrubs that will strip the skin of it’s natural oils. We need those oils for the skin to work at it’s best, as well as looking great.

We've been talking with Environ about the best way to help you get rid of them at home, with their incredible products!

Here's the best way of fighting them off at home whilst giving your skin a gorgeous glow:

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Peptides! We love them!

They definitely aren't a new thing to the industry of skincare, and they certainly aren’t going anywhere!

Peptides are needed and very necessary when it comes to anti-aging skincare.

If you’re looking for younger looking skin, peptides within the formulation are a must.

In a nutshell, peptides are Cell Communicators - telling the skin to do something specific. When applied topically to the skin, they act as little messengers, triggering skin cells to perform specific functions such as building collagen and elastin, along with encouraging skin to look and act younger.

Let’s look at peptides in more detail…

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Retinol is a true buzz word when it comes to skincare, but there's a lot of confusion that surrounds it. Let's dig deep into what it actually is.

Fact - Retinol IS VITAMIN A. Yep. It's the same thing.

Vitamin A comes in many different forms. And Retinol is simply one of them.

The many forms derived from Vitamin A ultimately, all of these forms do the exact same thing. Inside the skin, they change to Retinoic Acid.

All of these forms of Vitamin A transform in the skin to Retinoic Acid at different speeds, and it's this that the skin recognises and thrives from to become healthy and helps to repair skin cells as well as a whole host of benefits- It will strengthen the skin, boost immunity, balance oil production and has HUGE anti-ageing benefits.

It’s the way the skin will cope with them that differentiates between them. Let’s dig deeper…

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