Posts tagged skinconcerns

Stress is something that our body naturally reacts to.

When the body is put in a position of stress, the hormone 'cortisol' gets released.

Unfortunately our skin, is an immediate stress target when life's 'overload' triggers the brain and skin cells to release the hormone called cortisol.

When we think of stress, we think of being bogged down with a million things and life getting overwhelming.

Let’s look at stress a little deeper…

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Have you ever wondered when the best time is to start using anti-ageing skincare?
We hear the statement: 'my mum's skin was amazing so mine will be too!’ frequently as well.
I don’t want to be the fun police or anything but this isn’t necessarily the case…

We control 80-90% of the way our skin will age. It’s a fact that 80-90% of the way we age is determined by what we do to the skin. Sun exposure, stress, alcohol, smoking, diet, digestion - all of these things will hugely impact the ageing process long-term.

This means that only 10-20% of the way we age will be down to genetics. So if you’re solely basing how you think you will age on those further up in your family tree… you may well be disappointed.

Maybe you think you should start using anti ageing skincare when you turn 30? 40? Perhaps when you hit the big 5-0?
It's a question we're asked frequently, and if you're not already using specific anti-ageing skincare, you need to keep on reading...

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Retinol is a true buzz word when it comes to skincare, but there's a lot of confusion that surrounds it. Let's dig deep into what it actually is.

Fact - Retinol IS VITAMIN A. Yep. It's the same thing.

Vitamin A comes in many different forms. And Retinol is simply one of them.

The many forms derived from Vitamin A ultimately, all of these forms do the exact same thing. Inside the skin, they change to Retinoic Acid.

All of these forms of Vitamin A transform in the skin to Retinoic Acid at different speeds, and it's this that the skin recognises and thrives from to become healthy and helps to repair skin cells as well as a whole host of benefits- It will strengthen the skin, boost immunity, balance oil production and has HUGE anti-ageing benefits.

It’s the way the skin will cope with them that differentiates between them. Let’s dig deeper…

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Acne. This word means something different to a lot of people.

We always think of teenage skin when we think of acne, but adult acne is on the rise and it's important we know exactly what we can do to treat it.

Let's start by understanding it, because once we’ve done that, we can then know how to treat it!

Here we explain exactly why acne happens, how we can treat it, along with recommendations and advice to you for moving forwards.

Let’s treat acne and enjoy clearer skin!

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Maskne. Skin issues from wearing masks?

The face masks we are wearing on a daily basis are causing havoc for our skin. We aren’t used to it, our skin isn’t used to it and it’s creating skin concerns such as dryness, breakouts and congestion around the mouth, nose and cheek area. Does this sound familiar?

Read our Top Tips to overcoming ‘Maskne’ and the skin concerns created by wearing masks on a regular basis to get your skin back on track regarding it’s healthy, feeling good and looking gorgeous.

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