Posts tagged beautytips

Have you ever wondered when the best time is to start using anti-ageing skincare?
We hear the statement: 'my mum's skin was amazing so mine will be too!’ frequently as well.
I don’t want to be the fun police or anything but this isn’t necessarily the case…

We control 80-90% of the way our skin will age. It’s a fact that 80-90% of the way we age is determined by what we do to the skin. Sun exposure, stress, alcohol, smoking, diet, digestion - all of these things will hugely impact the ageing process long-term.

This means that only 10-20% of the way we age will be down to genetics. So if you’re solely basing how you think you will age on those further up in your family tree… you may well be disappointed.

Maybe you think you should start using anti ageing skincare when you turn 30? 40? Perhaps when you hit the big 5-0?
It's a question we're asked frequently, and if you're not already using specific anti-ageing skincare, you need to keep on reading...

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Let’s understand the importance of cleansing… with a cleanser!
Deep down we know that cleansing our face with a cleanser is the best thing for healthier skin… I’m sorry to burst any bubbles, but face wipes are not a suitable alternative.
If you use them, you may think they’re convenient, quick and easy, but trust us when we say the negatives vastly outweigh the positives. (And, I cleanse my skin faster with a cleanser and clean flannel than I would removing my makeup with any type of wipe!)
Here is a professional beauty tip for healthier skin - ditch the face wipes!
If you’re still using wipes on your face, and want to know the reasons why we would highly recommend that you stop, here’s why…

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