Let’s understand the importance of cleansing… with a cleanser!
Deep down we know that cleansing our face with a cleanser is the best thing for healthier skin… I’m sorry to burst any bubbles, but face wipes are not a suitable alternative.
If you use them, you may think they’re convenient, quick and easy, but trust us when we say the negatives vastly outweigh the positives. (And, I cleanse my skin faster with a cleanser and clean flannel than I would removing my makeup with any type of wipe!)
Here is a professional beauty tip for healthier skin - ditch the face wipes!
If you’re still using wipes on your face, and want to know the reasons why we would highly recommend that you stop, here’s why…
It’s so important to take time out of your daily life to purely rest, recharge and give your brain time to switch off whilst rebalancing the mind.
We LOVE delivering your relaxing treatments here at Pure Emporium.
We know that massage plays a huge role in relaxation, but what are the other benefits?!
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