Why We Don't Recommend Using A Face Scrub To Exfoliate

When we talk about face scrubs, we're talking about granular scrubs. These are the scrubs with 'bits' in them, that feel like it’s ‘scrubbing’ your skin.

They are promoted to rid the skin of dead cells and keep the skin clean, healthy and bright. Who wouldn’t want their skin to feel like this, right?

We don't agree.

You see we’ve all done it… vigorously rubbing a face scrub onto our face to reveal the smoothness underneath, because we believe it’s the best thing to do! Sound familiar?

Here’s why using a face scrub can actually cause more harm than good…

The skin on the body isn’t the same as the face. The skin on our face is delicate, so we need to approach with tender love and care - and by this, we mean the correct products including the correct ingredients to ensure the skin has what it needs to thrive and be as healthy as possible.

Exfoliation IS important, but when it’s done in the correct manner.

The ultra fine layer of dead skin cells are actually needed on the surface of the skin to assist protecting us from the environment and other skin stressors.

If the dead layer of skin is taken away too early, the barrier for the skin will have been weakened and can actually lead to more damage! This can include pigmentation, more ageing and skin damage that we cannot control.

Using 'scrubs' also promote trans-epidermal water loss, which is where the skin cannot hold it's own moisture correctly - leading to your oil glands going into overdrive and thinking the skin needs to create more oil!

We don't want that for you!

The top layer of the skin needs to be balanced correctly, without scratching away the important barrier.

The only method of exfoliation we would recommend would be with gentle acids to promote the lifting of the cells that we don't need anymore.

Specific skincare acids promote healthy exfoliation, working like Pacman to ONLY rid the skin of the dead skin cells that it doesn't need anymore - therefore not putting the natural skin's barrier at risk and keeping the skin as healthy as possible.

Examples of different acids would be glycolic acid, salicylic acids, lactic acid etc.

Depending on the skin type and concern depends on the type of acid needed to do the right job.

They need to be used in the right way, for the right length of time to do the very best job at exfoliating the skin.

For example, acne skins need a helping hand with exfoliation, done in the right way to help breakdown the thickening of dead skin cells on the skin’s surface, without sending the oil glands into overdrive. This may need to be treated with a different type or mix of acids than someone who has a more ‘normal’ skin type without the breakout concerns.

When using a Vitamin A moisturiser, it will naturally aid exfoliation, without causing issues to the skin's barrier. This is why we would never recommend any scrubbing when using Vitamin A on the skin. Depending on your skin type and concerns, depends on how much more exfoliation the skin needs.

Environ’s facial treatments include these specific acids, as well as in some of their products to ensure exfoliation is done in the manner that will treat your skin best.

We can advise you all about exfoliation when you join us for your skin consultation in the salon.

Are you ready to learn more about what exfoliation method is REALLY best suited to your skin? We’d love you to join us for an in-salon skin consultation by clicking right here.

See you soon!

Team Pure Emporium