I often get asked “What are gel nails” or “What is the difference between an OPI Gel Manicure and just a standard OPI Manicure” Well, the difference is pretty big.
The finish is the main difference - do you want a colour to last for 4 days, or a colour to last for 2-3 weeks…
Read more to find out the differences to know which treatment you should book in for…
It's been said that by leaving your makeup on at night it will age you by 24 hours. That's adding an extra day onto your looks! We don't want that!
Throughout the day, dirt, grime, excess oils and pollution sit on the surface of your skin or makeup. Without washing this off, it will stay there when you go to bed.
The thought of this transferring to our pillow is pretty grim.
Apart from not wanting to be a dirty dolly, why else is taking your makeup off at night so important?!
The importance of cleaning makeup brushes is sometimes rather overlooked. What would you say if you were told there could be more bacteria lying in between the bristles of your makeup brsh than on your toilet seat? I can see your face grimacing right now!
Here’ the truth about why you should clean your makeup brushes and how to clean your brushes in the future..
Since training with Environ, 2 years ago, my knowledge regarding products expanded profusely and I began using their products at home. I started off using the Environ Starter Kit. This comes with a full-size AVST 1 Moisturizer, a full-size Vita Peptide Eye Gel, as well as a few other sample products. I found the Environ products so easy to use.
If you already receive waxing then you may already be reaping the rewards. Nevertheless, it's good to be clued up on exactly how it can benefit you! Plus, this is the perfect time of year to start the waxing regime. It's cold, we're all covered up which means it's easy to cover those fuzzy areas when letting the hair grow for your appointment. Come Summertime you'll be loving the results...
Starting your prep early is the main secret,” says Amy, Owner of Pure Emporium Ltd. Here, Amy shares her beauty knowledge to let you know how to get prepped ready for your big day to feel outstanding in front of your guests.
A BEAUTY salon in Hereford has scooped a prestigious industry award in a national competition. Grandstand Road based Pure Emporium was named Beauty Salon of the Year at The British Hair and Beauty Awards this week. Salon owner Amy Card said the business, which will celebrate its sixth birthday later this year, has gone from strength to strength.
We are all quick to nip to the shops and buy a new outfit for an evening out, or have a browse online and order a new pair of shoes for a special occasion... but let's not forget the most important part of your outfit... YOUR SKIN. Your skin is 90% of your selfie, and without feeling happy and confident with your skin your pictures will probably disappoint you.
We offer Swedish Massage, Indian Head Massage, Aromatherapy Massage, Hot Stone Massage and our bespoke signature treatment: Pure Emporium Relaxing Touch Massage. Make time for you and alleviate stress or tension with one of our fantastic therapists, and trust me, you won't regret it. Why is massage sop important? Read on to find out more…
So why is Vitamin A in skincare so good?! Dr Des Fernandes, Environ founder and scientific director, revealed that Vitamin A is the one molecule that plays a vital role in our metabolic processes. As it works on the DNA it can determine the behaviour of the stem cells. By normalizing how cells function, Vitamin A is able to influence cells to behave in a younger, healthier way.
The question that sooooo many people ask! The amount of horror stories that are told online nowadays and the scepticism behind gel nails is huge. From a professional manicurist, we can officially tell you that the answer to the following question (do gel nails wreck your nails) is a big, fat, NO! Read on to find out more…